The Power of Sharing

I wanted to talk to you today about the power of the Share Button in Facebook. I know, it’s a very ‘marketing’ oriented topic, but read on! It has real and positive applications for community projects and charities.

Don’t assume that all your friends or fans will see every message you post, in fact, it’s only about 17% (see here). You may have heard whisperings about a ‘Facebook algorithm’, I won’t go into detail, but there is a system that Facebook uses to rank your posts taking into account likes and shares, etc.

If you want your content to be seen more often, you need to use the Share Button. A ‘like’ on a post won’t amplify your message within Facebook. A ‘share’ will.

The technical part is out of the way now! Let’s get onto the real applications for charities and community groups.

Our content lends itself to being shared, so ask for it! In every post, add some simple text such as “Share our story” at the end. Prompt people to hit that share button! They’ll get karma points and you’ll get your message out there faster, for free.


Eryn is an Advisory Committee member in charge of the website and digital initiatives. She has a background in marketing and communications.

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