Meet a Committee Member: Sophie Frodsham

Sophie Frodsham is the Treasurer for 100 Women.

She is a Chartered Accountant and works for EY in the Transaction Advisory Services team and she also hosts her own blog- Women’s Business.
In her bio on this website, she states:

I feel privileged to be a part of 100 Women – together we can support and empower girls and women to achieve their dreams.

If you head to her blog you can read about empowerment in action. She started the blog to share her own experiences and to pass on words of wisdom from other women.

On her blog she discusses topics like work- life balance for women, feminism, role models and issues that face working women in their daily lives.
Sophie is up front and direct, but also self-aware in her musings and ‘rants’ (read more on that here).

Read and follow her at

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