Giving Circles Defined

100 Women falls under the classification of a ‘giving circle’. It might be the first time you’ve heard about giving circles, but they’re a growing trend in Australia and they’ve been around for quite a while.

What are giving circles? They’re a form of philanthropy where groups of individuals donate money to a pooled fund. Generally, members then vote on where the money goes. Member’s efforts go towards increasing awareness of the issues covered by the charity through monetary support, word of mouth and the power of the sharing of information.

In their report ‘The Impact of Giving Together’, researchers Angela Eikenberry and Jessica Bearman found:
1.    Giving circles influence members to give more.
2.    Giving circles influence members to give more strategically.
3.    Giving circles members give to a wide array of organisations.
4.    Giving circle members are highly engaged in the community.
5.    Giving circles increase members’ knowledge about philanthropy, nonprofits, and the community.

Collective giving has the power to make real and significant change. If you haven’t joined 100 Women yet, become a part of the solution and press that donate button.

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