
Investing in Charities that Empower Women and Girls

100 Women is a collaborative giving circle that amplifies the giving power of everyday people to create significant change for women and girls. Our ever-growing giving circle gathers people from all walks of life to contribute and celebrate the life-changing impact that we together can have on women and girls locally, nationally and globally.

We support the United Nations Sustainability Goal No.5: 
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

For more information on this goal and why our giving circle supports it, view our impacts page.

What You Need to Know About Our Grants...

  • In 2024, the 100 Women grant process will run from March – October. This is generally the annual timeframe, however specific information on the upcoming grant round is available on the current grant round page.
  • In 2024, we are offering grants of up to $50,000 AUD to multiple projects.
  • By giving members the opportunity to vote for projects and see the impact of grants first-hand, 100 Women creates a meaningful giving experience.
  • Please take care to check that your organisation is eligible to apply and that your project meets our guidelines.

Eligible Organisations

100 Women awards grants to organisations that advance the safety, health, education and economic freedom of women and girls.

Mandatory requirements govern which organisations can receive a grant from 100 Women. 

Organisations must be a fund, authority or institution

  • which is Charitable (or would be a charity within the meaning of the Australian Charities Act 2013 (Cth) if it were not a ‘government entity’, as defined in the Act);
  • Classified with Item 1 Deductible Gift Recipient Status (DGR); 
  • has been operating for at least 36 months; and 
  • has a total annual revenue (as last reported to the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission) of less than $10 million.
If your organisation does not meet all of the above criteria, then it is unable to apply. These are mandatory requirements. 
Overseas registered charities are not eligible. We do not support auspicing* where grant funds flow through an Item 1 DGR organisation to another entity.  Grants may also be made to exempt organisations that would be charitable but for their connection with government and which are Item 1 DGRs.


You can check whether your organisation is a Deductible Gift Recipient (Item 1) and a charity by looking it up on the Australian Business Register. Note, overseas registered charities do not meet this requirement.

*What is Auspicing?
‘Auspice’ means to provide support, sponsorship or guidance. From this word we get the words ‘auspicee’ being the group or person that needs support and ‘auspicor’. Auspicor is the entity that provides the support to the auspicee.
This arrangement is commonly used in the not for profit sector to help community organisations access funding when they do not satisfy requirements of grant funding. A very typical situation is where a not-for-profit organisation does not have deductible gift recipient (DGR) status and will work with an auspicor who has DGR status to apply for certain funding. The auspicor will apply for the grant and receive the funds into their account. They will have responsibility for managing the funds and acquitting the grant however the auspicee will most likely lead on the implementation of the project/activities.
100 Women does not support auspice arrangements in our grant round. The applicant organisation must have DGR status Item 1 and be carrying out the project/activities themselves. If you are an Australian organisation conducting overseas aid development projects under the OAGDS please contact us to confirm your details.

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