August Member Spotlight – Catherine Pazvakavambwa

Catherine Pazvakavambwa

In a couple of sentences, tell us about yourself?

People call me Cat and I run a boutique accounting firm catered to small businesses and individuals who would prefer someone to do their tax. I am also treasurer of a local radio station, RTRfm 92.1 as well as a volunteer for the station.

What inspired you to join 100 Women?

My friend Grace Mugabe told me about 100 Women when it first started and I was sold on the fact that I get to be part of the process when choosing the grant recipients. The biggest draw for me was 100 Women supports charities that assist women and girls.

Which recipient of a 100 Women grant are you most passionate about?

The recipients that have projects which add to the skills of the women and children they help through skills advancement and education.

What does it mean to you to be a Philanthropist?

A great question. For me its assisting causes that you are passionate about or have an interest in and it can be in a monetary or non-monetary way.

Tell us of a woman that inspires you?

Kandi Burruss of the Real Housewives of Atlanta. She is not ashamed to “pick up a bag” as she says and 100% unapologetic about going for what she wants.

Name one thing that you believe we should have accessible in this world to improve the lives of women and girls?

Free education for women and girls.

Have you experienced disadvantage as a woman? Would you be willing to share your story with us and how that experience has changed or empowered you to make a difference to other women facing similar disadvantages?

When I made the decision to run my business alone after a tubulous breakup with a business partner, there were people who felt I could not possibly run a business alone and I needed to have a business partner. It was clear they were basing this assertion on the fact that I was a woman. Instead of absorbing that, I took steps to engage a business coach and mentor. Mentoring is so important for women going through their personal and/or business journey.

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