100 Women welcome Deb Russell to National Board

100 Women are delighted to announce the appointment of Deb Russell to the National Board.

Russell, based in Sydney, is a corporate affairs expert with nearly 20 years of experience spanning the financial services, retail and energy industries. She has worked in house and in agencies for some of Australia’s best-known brands – covering ASX-listed companies as well as start-ups and privately held businesses. Russell has led teams both large and small and held national and global remits in corporate affairs and communications.

The appointment of Russell is to complement 100 Womens’ national growth strategy with the recent recruitment of two other Board Members based on the East Coast, Jane Cormack in Sydney and Mitra Khakbaz in Queensland.

Since 2014, 100 Women have invested more than $1 million in financial grants to 34 grassroots initiatives across nine countries, impacting almost 35,000 women and girls.

100 Women are unique in that financial grants are provided to initiatives that can be local, national and international and the members therefore have the opportunity to see their donations have a vast and positive impact.

Russell enjoys working in issues-rich environments and with partners to successfully devise and deliver outcome-focused strategies that lead change, spur advocacy, and build brand reputation. She has always been attracted to companies that have a positive and important place in everyday life.

“I am delighted to contribute as a Board Director of 100 Women because I care deeply about making a better world through innovation and social progress. I value the foundational impact of access to education, a safe place to live, quality healthcare, and the freedom and opportunity to choose one’s own path in life”.

Deb Russell

According to Alicia Curtis, Co-Founder of 100 Women, the appointment of Russell will help elevate the charities vision to encourage everyday philanthropy amongst everyday people.

“Deb is a wonderful complement to our Board and to the 100 Women community. As we grow and evolve as an organisation, it’s exciting to engage board members with exceptional experience and character to continue to amplify the impact we
can create”.

Alicia Curtis, Co-Founder, 100 Women

Deb is an IABC Gold Quill Award winner and a Creative Partnerships Australia Good Practice Recognition Award winner and she holds a BA (Media and Communications) from UNSW.

Welcome Deb!

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