August Volunteer Spotlight – Charlotte Chapman

Charlotte Chapman

Volunteer since: 2019

Day job: Transformation & Business Development Manager at RPS

Tell us a bit about yourself:

My work provides a varied and challenging role where I support technical subject matter experts strategically win new work and manage the organisation and execution of internal change, proactively focusing on driving business improvement and creating stakeholder readiness and engagement. At work I am part of the Gender Equity Network, promoting and championing gender equity across RPS and externally I’m involved with ICON, the Influence, Collaboration and Opportunity Network, for B2B Professionals, as well as 100 Women.

I moved to Perth from the UK 11 years ago with my husband. We enjoy going off camping and seeing what WA has to offer, with a highlight being Karijini National Park. When I’m not working, I enjoy being creative mainly through painting, spending time with friends and walking our dog Duke, who is a foster fail and 41kg of cuddles.

How long have you been involved with 100 Women?

In 2019, I saw a call out on LinkedIn looking for volunteers and was then hooked on the idea from Alicia’s (Curtis, 100 Women founder) TED Talk that philanthropy isn’t just for the mega-rich but, even with a small amount, regular people can combine their giving and enthusiasm to make a real difference.

I quickly became a member and joined the New Horizon Committee, where I try to find sponsorship to raise much needed operational funds – we are volunteer led and 100% of donations are directed into our grants pool.

I enjoy the 100 Women Connect events, where there isn’t an industry or sector that connects the attendees but the passion of a philanthropic community that focuses on supporting and uplifting women and girls in communities around the world.

Which 100 Women grant stories inspire you the most?

Gosh, this is as hard as member voting time for grant recipients, they are all so inspiring.

It’s always great when the grant recipients can attend the 100 Women Connect events and I get to hear an update about the impact their program has had after receiving a 100 Women grant. I recall Koya Aboriginal Corporation speaking about the progress of their Koordoormitj Djookian (Sister’s Club) in Midland – a safe space for Indigenous and vulnerable 11-17 year old girls to spend time on weekend evenings. At another event, Fran Haintz, the Executive Officer at Shooting Stars shared stories about the impact their Seven Sisters program that provides Aboriginal girls and women with opportunities to develop positive social and emotional wellbeing skills and preventative mental health strategies. Both really inspiring, local programs.

Tell us of a woman that inspires you?
I’ve been very fortunate to have many women who inspire me and honestly couldn’t pick one. From my group of friends who are kicking career goals, raising children and offering support, to colleagues and mentors who lead whilst lifting others up with them, plus the great women I’ve met through 100 Women, who constantly inspire me as a philanthropic community making a real difference, it’s not always an individual that has the greatest impact but a strong collective who inspire me constantly to be better.

Name one thing that you believe we should have accessible in this world to improve the lives of women and girls?
Whilst there are many things that I could list, sometimes it’s the simplest and I believe everyone should have access to sanitation. It is estimated that 3.5 billion people live without proper sanitation and this lack of adequate sanitation affects women and girls in particular. Not only do women and girls have different physical needs from men but they also have greater need for privacy when using toilets and bathing. Also, accessible toilets and bathrooms make them less vulnerable to gender-based violence.

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