June Volunteer Spotlight – Vidhatri Lakkim Setti

Vidhatri Lakkimsetti

Volunteer since: 2022

Key Skills

Currently Customer Relations Technology Manager at HBF

Tell us a bit about yourself

Having spent my growing up years experiencing the diversity and vibrancy of India, I truly cherish every aspect of my multi-faceted life – because there is never a dull moment. As I navigated through my career, building my expertise in Business and Digital transformation, I was fortunate to live and work in India, the USA, and Australia, which helped strengthen my understanding of my social responsibilities as a global citizen.

I find skill-based volunteering truly rewarding, which has motivated me to become a not-for-profit organisation’s Board Director, a mentor for the Diverse women leadership program, and volunteer support to promote Western Australia’s technology startup/innovation landscape and school-based STEM activities.

As a trained dancer in a centuries-old Indian dance form based on the principles of yoga and mindfulness, I perform and speak about this dance form to national and international audiences.

How long have you been involved with 100 Women?

I have been with 100 Women for over a year. As a volunteer, I am part of the organisation’s membership and IT committee. I am responsible for leading the strategy and design of the member journey and helping align it with the member engagement and retention activities. I oversee technology operations and data analytics alongside streamlining and automating business processes

Which 100 Women grant stories inspire you the most?

Being amidst the challenges faced by women and girls in developing countries, grant stories of Forever Projects that support underprivileged Tanzanian women during childbirth, AusCam Freedom Project that protects girls from sex trafficking, Cambodian Children’s Fund that encourages education for disadvantaged girls, and Pollinate group that nurtures Nepali women-led business ventures truly resonate with me as grants that empower women and girls at a global scale.

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