April 2023 Newsletter

Happy woman walking in the turmeric field.

Kaya! and welcome to our Autumn Newsletter.

As Executive Officer of 100 Women, I get the privilege of working across all areas of this incredible charity. As such, I wanted to take this opportunity to sincerely thank our Trustee Board and our volunteers in providing ongoing support to myself, our members, our partners and our grant recipients. We couldn’t do this without them!

So what’s been happening? Our annual grant round (stage one) closed at the end of March and we received over 120 project applications – our largest number in the ten years we have been offering grants. It tells us that there is a very real and increasing need for gender focused philanthropy. It’s great to see that Australian media is starting to highlight women’s disadvantage however we have a very long way to go to actually make real, positive and lasting change.

In this newsletter, we shine a light on 2022 grant recipient Living Child and follow their incredible work in Papua New Guinea as they begin building five Village Birthing Huts and training Village Birthing Attendants. We also continue with our wonderful spotlight interviews – featuring Michelle Emmett (Grants Co-Chair/Volunteer) and Sharon Gleeson (Member).

In terms of events, we have a few great ones coming up including a “Bush Tucker High Tea” with Bindi Bindi Dreaming, an ESG “Lunch and Learn” and our flagship event – our 10th Anniversary Gala Dinner.

It’s not too late to join our community and help improve the lives of disadvantaged women and girls right around the world.

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