April Volunteer Spotlight – Michelle Emmett

Michelle Emmett

Volunteer since: 2015

Key Skills

Grant Writing and Grant Management, Research Development, International Humanitarian Assistance and Development

Tell us a bit about yourself

Originally from New York, I moved to Perth in 2001 after a stint at the US Embassy in Jakarta, quickly falling in love with WA’s natural landscape and relaxed pace of life. However, my work in conflict and disaster zones impressed upon me the need to address the systemic barriers that girls, women, and other marginalised peoples face in their lives. While I have enjoyed my work at The University of Western Australia, it wasn’t until I discovered 100 Women that I was able to rekindle that connection towards making a positive change. I recently completed a Graduate Certificate in Social Impact at UWA which has helped me understand not only the “what” but the “why” and “how” of impactful social change. Today, I am proud that my two daughters, aged 14 and 18 are also passionate about improving the world.

How long have you been involved with 100 Women?

I joined 100 Women in 2015 as a member and immediately volunteered for the Grants Committee. I was so impressed with the rigour of the grants selection process that I became Co-Chair of the Grants Committee, leading the post-award grant management activities.

Which 100 Women grant stories inspire you the most?

The Pollinate Group is one of my favourite grant recipients because it is a social enterprise that uses an impact model as a business model. With 100 Women’s support, Pollinate empowered 50 women in Nepal to lead their communities out of poverty through the scaling of their proven and successful entrepreneurship program that focuses on providing access to clean energy products.

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