February 2024 Newsletter

A warm welcome to our members, partners, charities and philanthropic community! It’s been a busy few months in our circle, as our 2023 Grant Recipients have started running their newly funded projects and our volunteers are back on deck, rested, rejuvenated and ready for the year ahead. 

We are now in the lead up to International Women’s Day on the 8th March and it’s always a jam packed day for us as we are busy attending or speaking at events and talking to media. As you know, we advocate for women’s equality every day of the year, but we are grateful for this day’s ability to amplify the need for change and generate conversation and action.

This year’s UN Women theme is particularly fitting for 100 Women as it shines a light on the financial investment required to reach equality “Count Her In: Invest In Women. Accelerate Progress”.

Tying into this theme, we are delighted to share with you that on International Women’s Day, we will be launching our exclusive 10 Year Impact Report. This report will showcase the culmination of more than a decade’s work as a philanthropic giving circle with a gendered lens. We look forward to sharing this with you! 

In the meantime, we have two wonderful events coming up. Next Tuesday 27th, we have a fun members only online catch up with our Co-Founder Alicia Curtis and with previous Grant Recipient – Restore One. Only a few days left to join!

On 19th March, we are super pumped to be hosting the WA Premiere of “SEEDS” a documentary evening by our 2022 Grant Recipients School For Life Foundation – which is already winning awards!

Also in this newsletter, we have a new Member FAQ section, we are featuring our inspirational membership volunteer Diane Avice, and we have set a date for our 2024 Grant Round to launch. We can’t wait to start another year of funding incredible projects with your support!

Take a look below and enjoy. And don’t forget, we are always looking out for new members. Please consider joining us today and making a significant difference for women and girls in need. 

The 100 Women Team

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