Wrap up of the 100 Women – Scott Neeson event

On Friday, 9 September 100 Women hosted an event with Scott Neeson the founder of the Cambodian Children’s Fund. The Cambodian Children’s Fund was a recipient of one of our 2015 grants so it was all the more significant to hear Scott’s inspirational story.

The event was emceed by Dr Nicky Howe and included an introduction to 100 Women from Alicia Curtis. Paul Blackburne also shared why he chose to become involved with the Cambodian Children’s Fund.

Scott then shared his powerful story and talked about the Child Protection Unit – the specific part of CCF that the 100 Women grant supported. The funds that our members raised has had a significant and lasting impact on the lives of the children in Phnom Penh

As with most things, it takes a group of dedicated people to organise events and we try to make sure that our guests enjoy the event as much as we hope they do. Organising venues, speakers, photography (and who needs to be in the photos!), car parking bays, food, drinks, guests, invitations, publicising the event, all takes lots of work and we would like to thank everyone for their time, effort and energy. And a special thanks to our event sponsor Axito.

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