Volunteer Spotlight – October

Katie McDonald

Member since: 2018

Day job: Director of a Financial Planning company

Tell us a bit about yourself?

Since having my 2 boys 14 months apart I have been a champion for women. The little way I help women is through financial literacy, which gives women independence. This was over 18 years ago, as my youngest is in his final year of school and my eldest is having a gap year. We have lived throughout Australia with my husband’s job with one of the most exciting locations being Groote Eylandt (in the Gulf of Carpentaria)

How long have you been involved with 100 Women?

I have been a member of 100 women for almost 5 years now. I actually watched 100 Women from the sidelines for 2 years, before attending an event and making a decision to become a member. Like many members I have a lot of balls in the air and wanted to make sure they walked the talk. WOW I was blown away by everything, not only does 100 women genuinely help women, which in turn helps the community, the members are women I want to hang out with.

I enjoyed the events and the women who attend so much I became a volunteer. I’m now the Chair of the New Horizon Committee. Our role is to work with sponsors and businesses who hold the same values as us, so 100 women can continue to operate. All Member’s money goes towards the grants and so the way 100 Women can continue to grow and help more women in through sponsorship, which supports the operations.

Which 100 Women grant recipient inspires you the most?

Earbus Foundation of WA is one of my favourite grant recipients. Having worked with the indigenous community and witnessing how important their family is to them, this foundation offers a simple but important solution to a problem most of us take for granted. Ear infections are prevalent in children, due to the communal living environment. If left undiagnosed, these infections can cause impaired hearing. This has a massive impact on children’s ability to learn, especially if no one actually realises the child can’t hear. Earbus goes into the community and educates community leaders, teachers, health professionals how to spot ear infections. They are also given the tools to educate others in the community.

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