October Member Spotlight – Christine Morara

Christine Morara

Member since: 2021

Tell us a bit about yourself?

I love meeting new people, going for walks and exploring new places, when time allows. I moved to Perth in 2015 and have had experience working locally and overseas in industries like construction, aged care, health care, consulting, and NGOs. Professionally I am currently working at Accenture as a consultant. I am also a mother of a 12-year-old who keeps me busy.

Why did you join 100 Women?

I happened to attend my first ted talk in Perth and was able to hear from Alicia Curtis how 100 women started, and this inspired me to know that I didn’t need a lot to contribute, and that the contribution could make tangible differences in people’s lives. The projects supported by 100 women are also small grassroot programs that have a direct impact to the community.

Do you have a favourite charity that 100 Women has supported so far? Why?

It’s hard to pick a favourite. Forever projects is one of the charities. Supporting women and newborn babies to have access to basic needs and financial support so that they can set up themselves for the future is something that I have always wanted to contribute to.

What does it mean to you to be a Philanthropist?

It means being involved with people and working together to achieve things not done before whilst also utilising the resources that you have.

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