August Volunteer spotlight – Meriel Steadman

Meriel Steadman

Volunteer Role: Governance Committee

Day Job: Partner at Piper Alderman

Tell us a bit about yourself:

I have been practising as a commercial dispute resolution and litigation lawyer for over 20 years in the UK, the Caribbean and Australia. I love helping clients at the contract drafting stage, so that they are in the best position to avoid a dispute in the future so that they can focus on running a successful business.

I have ten year old identical twin daughters who put my dispute resolution skills to the test every single day!

How long have you been involved with 100 Women?

On and off since its inception. However, I only joined one of the 100 Women committees last year.

What is the most rewarding part of volunteering for 100 Women:

I love being able to use the legal skills that I have gained over the last two decades to assist 100 Women. It is important to me to help others and to use my skills in a way that really makes a difference to the organisation.

Which recipient of a 100 Women grant are you most passionate about?

That is an impossible question! I would be terrible on the Grants Committee as I would never be able to choose from all the worthy causes! The charities that I am most passionate about generally are those that provide women and girls with education and/or training so that they have more options available to them and can escape the poverty cycle.

World Relief Australia Human and Hope was awarded a grant in 2017 to teach women in Cambodia how to sew, how to run a small business and life skills including sustainable farming and domestic violence training. The broad range of skills that the grant was used to teach, which equipped women to secure employment or to set up their own small business, is what made this such an important grant recipient for me. I am certain that each woman would have (and hopefully continues to) pass on to other women and girls what she learnt, as women are generally very good at collaborating and supporting each other.

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