October Newsletter

Ngaji gurrjin! (hello)

I am writing to you today from the sunny and warm coastal town of Broome (Rubibi) in North Western Australia where I am based.

It gives me great pleasure to bring to you our next newsletter from the team at 100 Women.

We have two wonderful events this month. This Thursday 13th October we have a webinar with Mark Dombkins, Founder of Forever Projects our 2021 Grant recipients.

We are also delighted to be announcing the grant recipients for the 2022 grants round at the upcoming Gala Celebration Dinner on Friday 28th October. There are a few tickets left, so get in quick if you are free to join us. We look forward to seeing you and celebrating with you on the night.

In this newsletter, we shine a light on women’s health. We spotlight 2016 grant recipients Australian Cervical Cancer Foundation to see the great work they are doing around cervical screening in Vietnam and we also discuss the stigma around period health in Australia. Finally, don’t miss out on reading the wonderful spotlight interviews with Katie McDonald (Volunteer) and Christine Morara (Member).

It’s not too late to join our community and help improve the lives of disadvantaged women and girls right around the world. Thanks for your support we couldn’t do it without you!

View the full newsletter here

Gala Mabu (Thank you)

Taliah Payne

Board Member, 100 Women

(image credit: Girls from Oz)

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