August Member Spotlight – Helen Cotter

Helen Cotter

Member since: 2021

Tell us a bit about yourself.

Very much a country girl, I grew up in the Goldfields. After high school, I moved to Perth, and have also spent time living in the Pilbara and Kimberley, as well as overseas. Currently I work as a Facilitator for Parenting Connection WA at Ngala and feel very fortunate to have a job I find so fulfilling. I am a mum of three young children, aged 8 years, 6 years and 4 months old.

Why did you join 100 Women?

Supporting small grass-roots programs very much appeals to me. Often the grant provided by 100 Women is the stepping-stone needed to get a project up and running and secure longer-term funding. Getting to meet inspiring women, and be a part of this beautiful community – is a wonderful bonus! I appreciate being involved through volunteering and have recently enjoyed being on the Grants Committee this year.

Which recipient of a 100 Women grant are you most passionate about?

It’s difficult to pick one as they are all incredible! Last year Forever Projects received $40,000 from 100 Women to support women with new-born babies who were unable to provide for them. They received immediate nutrition and crisis care, followed by mentoring and support to start their own businesses to provide them and their family with a financially secure future. I love that this could completely change their lives and that it is a long term, sustainable solution.

What does it mean to you to be a Philanthropist?
To want for others, what you might want for yourself.
To care for others (particularly those less fortunate) enough to be spurred into action to make a difference.

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