June 2023 Newsletter

Two women friends together
Kaya and welcome to our June Newsletter. As the newly appointed Company Secretary for 100 Women, my focus is on supporting our ongoing governance and our vision of turning ‘hope’ into reality for women and girls in Australia and around the world.There is much evidence that without reaching gender equality, we cannot achieve any other UN sustainability goal. This is why giving with a gendered focus is so important.

You may have noticed EOFY is just around the corner. If you are not yet a member, now really is the PERFECT time to become an everyday philanthropist – join for as little as $300 a year, receive a 100% tax deduction, and cast your vote for our 2023 grants round.  

In the past month, our team of volunteers have been busy hosting a variety of member events to showcase the breadth of focus we have for gender inclusion and equity.

In this newsletter, we shine a light on our recent Members Tour to Ishar Multicultural Women’s Health Service. We also continue with our wonderful spotlight interviews – featuring Vidhatri Lakkim Setti (Volunteer) and Sue van Leeuwin (Member).

Meanwhile, our stage two grant applications closed at the end of June. Read below for more information on when voting opens.

There are lots of events in planning, including our Grant Connect event where we announce our finalists, and our flagship event – our 10th Anniversary Gala Dinner where we announce the recipients of this year’s grant round. Tickets are selling faster than ever for this dinner so please book early. Finally, we are delighted to announce a new community partnership with Wholesome! Check them out below.

Remember 100% of your membership is a tax deduction and 100% of it goes to our grant recipient projects.  It’s not too late to join our community and help improve the lives of disadvantaged women and girls right around the world. 

Ariel Bastian
Company Secretary

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