Introducing our New Membership Options!

Hello! We’d like to introduce ourselves – we’re Shireen and Vanessa, Board Members at 100 Women and Co-Chairs of the Memberships Sub-Committee. We’re writing this to let you know we’ve just made membership to 100 Women a whole lot easier!

Online Membership Portal

Based on your feedback we have recently implemented an online membership registration portal.  Simply enter your contact details and choose your donation option. You will receive your tax receipt immediately too.

Check it out here!

New Membership Options replacing the Mini Circles


If you were part of a mini-circle under the old structure you had part of a vote. Now you have the option of donating $300, $600 or $1200 directly AND will have full voting rights in the grants we give!

We know some of our mini-circle members prefer to keep their circles and we absolutely encourage you to continue this relationship as if nothing has changed.

Pay Monthly or Yearly

You asked for it!  We now have the option to pay your membership monthly. Start your monthly donations today to start building the grants pool for 2017

Over to you!

The main point we’d like to share is that you now have choice over when and how much you want to pay. We hope you will find the new membership options and simple payment platform helpful.

Please take a look at our membership page for further information and if you would like to chat about any of the changes please feel free to contact us.

Thank you again for your amazing past support and we look forward to seeing you soon at a 100 Women Member event.

Shireen DuPreez – 0414 767 821

Vanessa Haberland -0425 532 018


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