Grants Finalists Update

grants finalists update

On Sunday 10 September, the Grants Subcommittee came together to finalise the assessment of the applications that had been invited to the second stage of our grants process.


From an initial 66 expressions of interest, there were 15 projects shortlisted into the second round. This phase involved the applicants being invited to provide more information about the impact their project will have on women and children, the capacity of the organisation to deliver the intended outcomes, the evaluation framework, a detailed budget breakdown and also independent references.


Before coming together, the subcommittee members worked in pairs to discuss three of the submissions. They were tasked with ensuring the requests met the submission criteria, conducting reference checks and forming an assessment on each of the projects.


Armed with additional information, the Grants Subcommittee members had the task of shortlisting again so our members can vote on the very best projects. It was a rigorous process and there was much discussion and debate but also agreement that all of the finalists will have a massive impact for their communities.


The Grants Subcommittee recommended six finalists for 100 Women members to collectively vote on and decide which will be awarded grants in 2017. Voting will open in early October. And, we are sure that it’s not going to be an easy choice! Keep an eye on your email for the links to the online voting poll.


If you aren’t already a member, it’s not too late to join us! Funds for the 2017 grant pool will be collected until 31 October and with a larger funding pool we’ll be able to support more of the selected high calibre projects.


We would like to thank the Grants Subcommittee members – Pam Cresswell, Natalie Lockwood, Jacqui Alder, Bianca Patterson, Katie Voss, Sally Brauer, Yanti Sujatna, Helen Axton and Christine Hardwick for their time and effort to review the submissions.


And, it wouldn’t be possible without the expertise of our Board member, Kristy Rodwell who manages and facilitates the grants process.


Sally Brauer

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