Grant Recipient Update – Midland Women’s Health Care Place

By Tara Doyle, CEO, Midland Women’s Health Care Place.

Strength to Strength is a peer support program for women who have experienced family and domestic violence (FDV). The program provides a safe place for strong connections to form amongst a group of peers so that longer term support structures and services are available.

The three-stage program allows clients to progress through the stages in their own time, in a safe space, under the guidance and assessment of counsellors.

In Term 1 2023 MWHCP ran a S2S program and S2S – 3 program a total of 14 women participated in the 36 hour program.

In Term 2 2023 MWCHP are running S2S, S2S – 2 and S2S – 3.  So far, a total of 18 women have participated in 18 women have participated in 36 hours of program.

Feedback is gathered shows participants are satisfied and agreed that the provision of these groups has supported improvements in their

overall health, mental well-being and social inclusion. 

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