Grant Recipient Update: Girls From Oz

October 2023.

Recently we had the privilege of hosting an interactive leadership workshop with the Girls from Oz Choir which comprises of first nations and at risk tween and teen girls from remote regions of Western Australia including Halls Creek and Carnarvon.

100 Women Co-Founder Alicia Curtis facilitated a leadership workshop to the girls along with some Year 5 and 6 female students from Manning Primary School. 100 Women members then joined for morning tea and a few songs before wrapping up the day.

Girls from Oz were last in Perth in 2017 when the choir sang to the 100 Women audience at our Gala Dinner. This year’s tour had a full week of activities which included performing at Government House and two public performances on Sunday at the Concert Hall.

Congratulations to Nicole Muir AM GAICD, Kylie Lee-Archer and the entire team at Girls From Oz for the incredible work they are doing to enrich the lives of these young fearless leaders.

It makes our hearts sing to see the impact you have on these young hearts and minds!

This video is an incredible informal performance by the Girls From Oz Choir. We thoroughly enjoyed the leadership workshop with the girls and they gifted us with a few of their favourite songs in return.

They were taught this beautiful song by Dr Lois Peeler AM a Yorta Yorta and Wurundjeri woman who was part of “The Sapphires” an Aboriginal singing group that travelled to Vietnam during the war – and which many of you will recognise from the major motion picture called “The Sapphires” released in 2012. Enjoy!

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