Changing the World

Women and girls are still suffering, impoverished, abused and oppressed simply because they are female. Let’s do something about it. What step towards positive and lasting change for women and girls will you take today?

One way to help change the lives of women and girls is through philanthropy. Investment in women and girls is backed by sound evidence:

  •     When women and girls earn income, they reinvest 90% into their families (compared with 30% to 40% for a man)
  •     An extra year of primary school boost’s a girl’s eventual wages by 20%
  •     Over the past four decades, the global increase in women’s education has prevented more than four million child deaths
  •     With seven years of education, a girl marries on average four years later and has 2.2 fewer children
  •     Educated women experience less violence, and educated girls are less likely to undergo female genital mutilation – or subject their daughters to it

To read the full article, click here.

Written by Sophie Frodsham, the Treasurer for 100 Women. and blogger at Women’s Business.

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