100 Women celebrates one year! #giftofchange

Join our 1st Birthday Celebrations

100 Women celebrates the #giftofchange

It’s been ONE YEAR since 100 Women launched and we are really excited to have had you along on the journey with us! We have big dreams to create more impact in 2015! Yes more! But first it is important to celebrate what we have achieved to date!

We had 85 members join within eight months (from March to November 2014), with more members joining each day. 100 Women raised and donated more than $100,000 to women’s causes. Zonta House Refuge AssociationGlobal Development Group (GDG), Restore Rose Project: Opportunity International, Build Healthy Communities.

We have hosted 11 extraordinary events with our NEXT event featuring Associate Professor Jaya Earnest, a 100 Women member and recent speaker at the UN’s 59th session of the Commission on the Status of Women in New York. As well as 100 Women Grant recipient, Mukti K. Bosco from Opportunity International at our International Women‘s Health Spotlight event on April 30! Mukti is an eminent activist and the Co-Founder of Healing Fields Foundation, which she started other health professionals to make healthcare affordable and accessible to all people in India, particularly those living in poverty.

For limited tickets, click here.

Come and hear stories from these inspiring women about women such as Sonar (below) from Bhabua, Bihar, in India. A Community Health Leader involved in the Opportunity International: Build Healthy Communities Project that received $40,000 from 100 Women in 2014!

“We need to teach people that toilets are about more than health. They are about dignity. Dignity is as much of a necessity.”

We raised awareness of women’s issues. One of the things that unite 100Women members is their passion for contributing to causes that impact women and girls, globally, nationally and locally. Through our grants program, 100 Women events, media coverage, blog posts and our members spreading the word we were able to shine the spotlight on the issues that are still facing women in Australia and around the world!

We celebrated empowering women philanthropists to make a difference.  Our goal is to raise the level of conversation about philanthropy in our community. Through our grants information evenings, corporate philanthropy workshops and our members we were able to educate women and men on being effective grant makers and philanthropists. We hope to further develop our educational channels for members and our broader community in 2015.

Help us celebrate our birthday week!
Here’s how you can help:

Join or renew your membership in 2015. You can renew now by direct transfer, creating a mini circle or start an installment plan, please go to our join page for more information.

Spread the word! Do you love being a 100 Women member? Tell your friends, invite them to our upcoming events, email us on [email protected] and tell us about your ideas!

Share us on Social Media.  Share why you joined 100 Women with your networks on Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook! Remember the birthday hashtag #giftofchange

Tweet: @100womenaus 1st Bday this week! Come join the fun and join as a member today 🙂 #women #philanthropy #giftofchange http://ctt.ec/fuMU7+

Tweet: Join @100Womenaus member at our Women‘s Heath Event #women #philanthropy #giftofchange https://100womenhealthspotlight.eventbrite.com.au

Volunteer your skills: Do you want to share your professional skills? Or perhaps you want to try something new? We would value your support! We are looking for graphic designers, blog writers, administration or events management experts.

Share your story with us: Why did you join 100 Women? What are you passionate about? Are you pushing boundaries for women or girls in your community?  Send us an email at [email protected]!


With passion,

The Advisory Committee

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