2018 Annual Review

Our fifth year in operation was definitely a year of celebration!

Thank you to our Advisory Board including Michelle Emmett, Pam Richards, Kristy Rodwell, Grace Mugabe, Megan Del Borrello, Carol Yiannopoulos, Melissa Beamish, Alene Sullivan and Jacqui Alder. You’re an amazing team! We say goodbye to Megan Del Borrello from the board – thank you for all your hard work over the last two years on the board.  Plus after 5 YEARS of doing all the book keeping and financial reporting, Grace Mugabe will step down as Treasurer – this has been a HUGE effort and I personally want to thank Grace for her amazing commitment to 100 Women.  Pam Richards will take on this role and, luckily for us, Grace will continue on the board too.  We are currently seeking board and sub committee members to take 100 Women to the next level in 2019.

Thank you to all our volunteers who put many, many hours into leading and supporting this organisation – much of it behind the scenes too such as the Grants Subcommittee and those who lend a hand at events and with membership – your efforts are greatly appreciated.

How we started…

100 Women started with an idea, a volunteer team co-opted through social media and a vision to improve the world for women and girls by offering grants that were funded by everyday people.

Philanthropy needed a shake up. We wanted to challenge the stereotype that only the rich and famous could be involved in philanthropy. Philanthropy is fun. Giving is joyful and everyone should have the chance to be involved with that!

Make no mistake – collective giving – with everyone putting in a little – can make a big impact!

Here is a short video to showcase the projects over the last 5 years that have been funded by 100 Women.

2018 Achievements

What I love about the people who contribute to 100 Women is they understand that creating change is not someone else’s job. It is us who has to speak up. It is us who has to act. It is us who have to join together and make it happen.

You make 100 Women happen!

Here’s a quick look at what we achieved.

  • We gave away four major grants to Freedom Hub, Shooting Stars Netball Program, Dress for Success and One Girl Australia.
  • We hosted three flagship events including our Aboriginal Women Leading the Way event with Christine Sindely, Dy Rider and Professor Colleen Hayward AM; our In Conversation with Taryn Brumfitt event and our 2018 Gala Celebration.
  • We also held a number of networking events with partners such as Women Lawyers WA and Lockton Insurance as well as a fun movie fundraiser.
  • 100 Women received 43 Expressions of Interests for our grants and the 2018 Grants Subcommittee met diligently throughout the year to manage the grants process.
  • The Telethon Kids Institute, the “Upskilling Aboriginal women to become community leaders” project was completed.  You can read their feedback here and here.
  • The Girls from Oz project was also completed with this wonderful video summary of the project.
  • 100 Women was proud to be acknowledged with awards and recognition by Momentum Forum Events, Western Australian of the Year Awards and the EY Entrepreneur of the Year awards in the Social Entrepreneur category.
  • At the close of 2018, we’ve granted $500,000 to 17 local, national and international projects – that is a huge achievement!
  • 100 Women Chair, Alicia Curtis was interviewed on the Good Will Hunters podcast.
  • Your hardworking board members have also been working on a number of internal projects to improve our organisation – enhancing our governance, our membership processes, our financial protocols and our grants management. There is also a NEW website coming which we will be unveiling very soon!

Relive the magic of the Gala again too with this short film by True Life Stories.

We, not only, get to look back on our first 5 years but we get to look forward. What is the future of 100 Women? What achievements would you like to be celebrating in 5 years time? What about 25 years time? What about in 95 years time?

We would love to hear your ideas for the future. Let’s think about the world we want to live in and start creating it now.

Growing 100 Women

100 Women started with a simple personal challenge – ‘I’m sure I could find 100 women who would give a donation to help women and girls”.

We now have many more members than 100 and to grow into the future – each and everyone one of us have to stand up as 100 Women champions.

We each must challenge ourselves to reach out to our “100 women” to grow this organisation to it’s fullest potential. Last year we finished the year with 175 members. Even if we encouraged just ten friends to join us, we could potentially give away over a million dollars next year!

If you would like to be part of this, then get your membership donation for 2019 and share 100 Women with your friends and networks.

On behalf of the board, we wish you a warm festive season with your family and friends.  We look forward to a bigger and brighter 2019!

Alicia Curtis
Co-Founder and Chair, 100 Women

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