100 Women Profiled in the Sunday Times

We’re gearing up to EOFY and getting our faces out there in the press! You may have seen us in the Sunday Times over the weekend, if not, here’s an update.

“It’s more than just asking people to donate to us, what we want to do is really start changing that culture of philanthropy in Perth and getting people to give a little bit more,’’ vice chair Megan Anderson told The Sunday Times.

“It’s easy to sit back in Perth and think that women’s issues aren’t quite as prevalent as what they would be overseas or in developing nations, but when you look at the figures around domestic violence and things like that there is still a lot of work that needs to be done.

“We wanted to give women the opportunity to be involved in the giving rather than it just being a direct debit that comes out of a bank account.’’

Read the full article here.

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