100 Women Philanthropy Presentation to EY

On 8 September Sophie Frodsham and Kristy Rodwell of the 100 Women Advisory Committee presented a workshop on philanthropy to Big 4 accounting firm EY. Sophie works for EY in Transaction Advisory Services and Kristy has a background in corporate finance and worked for EY some years ago. So both were well placed to speak to accountants about philanthropy!

Sophie and Kristy stressed that you don’t have to be a millionaire to be a philanthropist and that by taking some time to decide what is important to you and how best you can apply your financial resources, your time, your individual specialist knowledge and leveraging your contacts, you can have an impact on the causes that are important to you. Accounting professionals, with their financial expertise and their fantastic network of clients and colleagues, are very well placed to become powerful philanthropists!

Kristy shared her own personal journey in becoming a philanthropist with EY. Kristy started her professional career at Arthur Andersen in Sydney (now EY) and was involved with the events committee for the Property Industry Foundation, which supports young people at risk. When Andersen collapsed in 2002 and the Australian practice was picked up by EY, she had the opportunity to be involved with the EY Entrepreneur of the Year program for a number of years, assisting the entrepreneurs in the preparation for the program and at the awards ceremonies. Kristy decided that she wanted to give back more to the community, and gained a Master’s Degree in Social Investment and Philanthropy. Today Kristy lends her professional skills and knowledge to 100 Women, sits on the ECU Rangers Hockey Club committee and mentors disadvantaged students on alternative education pathways at Tuart College.

There was a lot of interest and enthusiasms shown by the EY audience in 100 Women and the giving circle concept. People were excited about the idea of being more involved in their giving.

If you’re interested in running a similar event at your workplace or community group more information is available HERE or contact us via email to speak to a committee member.

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