100 Women Connect in May

The first 100 Women Connect event was held on Sunday 18 May, at Five Bar in Mount Lawley.

Committee members mingled with other 100 Women supporters over a glass of wine and delicious Five Bar nibbles.

Supporters who were interested in joining were able to meet the committee in person to ask questions and suggest ideas in an informal setting.

Some of the topics discussed were:

  • “What kinds of projects does 100 Women hope to support?”
  • “How will the granting process work?”, and
  • “Can men become members of 100 Women?”

New members were also able to pick up their member packs at the event containing, amongst other goodies, the book that first inspired the giving circle, ‘Half the Sky’ by Nic Kristoff and Sheryl WuDunn.

Thanks to 100 Women Committee Member, Trinity Brown, for organizing 100 Women Connect for May.

You are invited to attend the next 100 Women Connect event to share a glass of wine and a conversation about what we’re up to. Check the events page for details.

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