100 Reasons to Apply for a 100 Women Grant

100 reasonsNow that we have got your attention let’s share with you 100 reasons to apply for a grant that will help support women and girls.

Take a look at the photo, each one of these women has a story, some have stories about lack of safety, some inequality, some poverty, some domestic violence and some are too afraid to say.

Our aim at 100 Women is to provide three grants of up to $30,000 that will support a world where all women and girls can live safely with access to health, education and economic freedom.

The 100 Women Advisory Board and Grants Sub-committee are excited to announce that Expressions of Interest (EOI) are now open for our 2016 grants.

The EOI Form and Grant Guidelines can be downloaded here. Note EOIs need to be returned via email by Monday, 25 July 2016.

The Grants Sub-committee – consisting of 100 Women members – will then review all EOIs and make recommendations to invite a select number of eligible organisations to submit full grant applications.

The EOIs that are successful clearly outline a compelling project for a specific beneficiary group.  Evidence of the problem being addressed and why that organisation is the best-placed applicant is provided.  Additionally, it is well defined that the program or activity is built on stakeholder support and consultation and measures of change and outcomes are built in.

We encourage you to refer to the 2016 Grant Guidelines for more details.  If you have any questions, please email [email protected].

Later in the year, all 100 Women members will be involved in a collective voting process to determine the three successful grant recipients.  An assessment summary will be provided about the grant finalists and members will be asked to have their say on where the money goes.

If you are not already a member, leverage your giving and become a high impact philanthropist by joining 100 Women today.

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