What It Means To Be A 100 Women Member – Katrina Giura

Starting out quite young in life with my first job fresh out of Uni, I didn’t really get an opportunity to explore the world so to speak. Being in the same place for such a long time, new day same routine, I often found myself sitting and thinking about what else there is ‘out there’ and what am I doing to make a difference. The short answer at the time was nothing.


Throughout my life I have always loved speaking with people. I love hearing others stories, their ups and downs and will always offer my advice and support. If I could solve everyone’s problems I would – often before I even begin to look at my own. So naturally, when I heard about 100 Women I was very interested to find out more. I remember going to my first 100 Women event which was the 2016 Grant Recipient Awards event and sitting in the room listening to the stories of the grant recipients and thinking to myself – Wow I have lived a very sheltered life. That evening, I was exposed to many scenarios where I couldn’t even begin to relate to what these women and children were going through. It was at this moment I realised that I wanted to do my bit to help them.


What 100 Women has given me is the ability to help more people than I can physically meet. It gives me a very humbling feeling to know that a small token on my part contributes to making a better future for others.


As a mother, I am teaching my children how they can help others in many ways even if they can’t see them face to face and how rewarding it feels to know that you are making a difference in the world. There are others who are less fortunate and need our help and through 100 Women we can unite together and make a positive change in their lives.


As a member I have also had the privilege of meeting some amazing women who I wouldn’t have otherwise met. These women are inspiring leaders and it has been a great opportunity connecting with them and knowing I am surrounded by a strong, supportive network of women.


So fast track 9 years and I find myself where I am today, a mother of two children, a wife, a business partner and business owner and I have a completely new outlook on life. I now wake up each day knowing I have a purpose and am making an impact on someone else’s day – that brings me great joy.


Katrina Giura  – Gloss Marketing Communications and Behind the Brands


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