Women in Leadership Facts and Figures

The Australian Government’s and the Workplace Gender Equality Agency published ‘Australia’s Gender Equality Scorecard’ in November 2014.

They took in data from 3.9M employees, 11,000 employers, and 4,354 reports to produce the report.

The report aims to use this data to help dismantle the cultural and structural barriers that limit women’s ability to become employed and then progress to leadership positions.

Employers have access to their own reports tracking their performance against others in their industry and to begin to put in place measures to address the under-representation of women in management.

Here are the key findings from all industries surveyed:

  • The representation of women steadily declines when moving up the management levels, with women comprising only 26.1% of key management personnel (KMP) positions, and 17. 3% of CEO positions.
  • One-third (33.5%) of employers have no KMPs who are women, and 31.3% of organisations have no ‘other executives / general managers’ who are women.
  • Less than one in 10 (8.8%) organisations have set a target to lift the number of women around the boardroom table despite only 23.7% of directorships being held by women, and just 12 .0 % of chairs being women.
  • 19.9%: the gender pay gap – full-time base remuneration
  • 24.7%: the gender pay gap – full-time total remuneration
  • Only 13.6% of employers have a strategy for flexible working and only 13. 2% of employers have a strategy to support employees with family or caring responsibilities.
  • Less than one in four employers have conducted a gender remuneration gap analysis to check for potential pay equity issues.
  • Few employers are taking a strategic whole-of-enterprise approach to gender equality. Only 7.1% of employers have a standalone overall gender equality strategy.

To read the report, click here.

Or check out the Workplace Gender Equality Agency website here.

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