Top 5 Resources to Inspire

Books and blogs can be a great source of inspiration, learning and awareness.  Here are some of our favourite resources to inspire you about women’s issues, philanthropy and leading in the community.

1. BOOK: Half the Sky by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl Wudunn

The book that inspired the 100 Women movement! It explores the discrimination that women face globally everyday.  This book is really personal.  It shares the intimate stories of life threatening challenges women face around the world, and yet how a little bit of help can go a long way.  There is also a website here.

2. BOOK: Leading from the Emerging Future by Otto Scharmer and Katrin Kaufer

This is one of my favourite reads about leadership in the modern era.  In essence, it challenges us to rethink the way we lead – rather than leading from past experience instead visualise your ideal future we want and consider the leadership required to bring this future into reality.  So you are leading from the future that wants to emerge!

3. ONLINE MAGAZINE: Generosity Mag

Generosity is an online hub (and live events over East) to inspire a greater culture of giving in Australia.  Generosity is packed with inspiring examples of givers and giving to help shape and guide your own journey.  Check it out here.

4. REPORT: Gender Wise Philanthropy

Developed by Australian Women Donor’s Network, Gender Wise Philanthropy is an incredible report exploring the benefits of investing in women and girls in philanthropy.  So if you’re keen to understand why 100 Women dedicates our funds to women and girls, check out this report!    You can read the report here.

5. BOOK: Savvy Giving by Genevieve Timmons

The more you get into philanthropy, the more you realise their is quite a lot to know to ensure your giving is impactful and creates the outcomes you want.  After all, philanthropy and social investment is something you can study at university – so there is a lot of learn!  However, if you don’t have time to study philanthropy in depth and want an easy guide to get you started,  we can highly recommend Savvy Giving.  It’s a great beginners guide to philanthropy and grant making.

Looking for more inspiration?

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