Sponsorship Gained from Rockingham Shopping Centre

Advisory Committee Member, Eryn, talks about her personal and professional involvement in 100 Women.

As a Committee Member for 100 Women, I jumped at the chance to help support the group in my working life.

I’m the Marketing Manager at Rockingham Shopping Centre. It’s a job that is very busy and varied. Our focus will move from fashion, to food, to school holidays and beyond in the course of a year.

I originally sought out 100 Women as an avenue to use my skill set to help support other women, then the business came to us with an opportunity to support a charity for a 12 month period, beginning with a big push in April and May. I jumped at the chance to get 100 Women on board as the group of choice for Rockingham.

Being on the committee, I’ve been able to bring my in-depth knowledge of 100 Women when developing a promotional tactic. I’ve also been able to identify clearly where the group needs help and direct funds in the right direction.

I’m so happy to be able to do this with the support of Rockingham Shopping Centre, and we’ve made some great inroads into getting the 100 Women name out there, with more to come.

If you’re interested in the particulars of the sponsorship, head to our sponsors page for the details.

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