September 2024 Newsletter

Happy latin woman working inside greenhouse garden - Nursery and spring concept - Focus on face

Spring is here, the kids are on holidays, the Djilba Noongar season is flourishing and we just love this time of year. There is so much excitement building within the 100 Women community and we want you to be a part of it!

Members have just finished voting for their favourite projects for the 2024 grant round and our 11th Annual Gala Celebration is less than a month away where we will discover which empowering projects will get up to $50k in funding. Thanks again to Lockton Companies for hosting our grant information evening last month where 50 members and guests got the first chance to look at our finalists this year.

In this newsletter, we wanted to share with you an update on two different grant recipients – Auscam Freedom Project who are behind a critical program in Cambodia to prevent trafficking of girls and young women through education, training and online resources – with astonishing results.

We also meet Mauz Kay, the woman behind Cana Communities  WA – a wonderful organisation providing holistic support for vulnerable women in the Fremantle community.

Did you know? Cana do not receive any government funding and are currently searching for a transitional home in the Fremantle area for the women in their community (after losing their Mosman Park home earlier this year). If you think you can help please read their story below and reach out. 

We also shine a spotlight on our grants committee and our Board Support volunteer Wendy Ugarte and we provide you with the necessary links to get your hands on some of the best event tickets in town! 

Take a look below and enjoy. And don’t forget, we are always looking out for new members. Please consider joining us today or why not talk with friends and your networks about the benefits of everyday giving. Together we are making a significant difference for women and girls in need. 

Karen and the 100 Women Team

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