The Restore Rose program helps women and girls bloom in Cambodia

The Restore Rose program through the Global Development Group was awarded one of the 100 Women inaugural grants in November 2014. The grant of $14,400 was to provide a Restore Rose (silicone menstrual cup) to 4,800 women living in poverty in rural Cambodia along with classes on the hygienic use of the Roses, nutrition and food preparation.

Thus far 1,200 Roses have been distributed and another 5,000 are in production. The popularity of the Roses is seeing demand across the globe including from Kenya. The next scheduled classes in Cambodia are in September 2015.


Feedback thus far from women that have received the Roses has been very positive with no one purchasing alternative menstruation products. The financial savings for these women often living in extreme poverty, as a result of the free provision of the Rose, has meant that scarce money has been directed to food, clothing and medical needs.

A Restore Rose can provide for the menstruation needs of one person for ten years. This means no rubbish, no money required for alternative products, no toxic shock and more money for food, clothing and medical needs. If the cup is washed out in a bucket of water, it can then be used as a brilliant garden fertiliser.

You can read more about Restore One projects or Global Development Group by following the links:

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