Radiance Network South West – Grant Update

“It’s ok not to feel ok sometimes”

In 2023, Radiance Network South West received $49,828 to offer early 1:1 support for 80 mothers and their children facing perinatal mental health issues in South West of WA. Recently Danielle Fitzgerald, of local community organisation Mindful Margaret River interviewed one of the mothers that has been through this program in recent months.

“Joining the Radiance group was transformative for me. It normalised my experiences and alleviated the guilt I felt about certain aspects of parenting… The one-to-one support program was tailored to my needs in the moment. Whether it was someone to talk to, help with groceries, or even preparing a meal, it made a huge difference. It reinforced to me that asking for help is not a sign of weakness, but a strength. Radiance showed me that parenting is meant to be supported by a community – it truly does take a village”

Amanda, Client, Radiance Network South West

Read more of the article below.

Mindful Margaret River is a not-for-profit association of volunteers, mental health professionals, government agencies, and community members working together to promote good mental health and well-being in Augusta Margaret River.  

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