Positive change for women and girls

Telethon Kids Institute and two international charities will receive vital funding of $99,950 via three grants from WA-based giving circle 100 Women, targeting employment, training and education.

The successful projects were chosen by giving circle members who each donated $1,200 to a collective grant fund to support women and girls.

Alicia Curtis, 100 Women Co-founder, says this year’s projects focus on safety, training, empowerment and development both locally and internationally. “All three grants aim to support women and girls to realise their potential” Alicia said.

“From improving the professional skills of Aboriginal women, to assisting female police officers in Cambodia to protect child crime victims, to educating young Cambodian women in science and maths – our members are helping make long-term change in the lives of women and communities.”

Telethon Kids Institute logoTelethon Kids Institute receive $39,450 towards the Remote Aboriginal Women Community Researcher project.

The project will train 10 Aboriginal women from remote communities across the Fitzroy Valley to become community researchers, exploring long-term intervention for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.

Each woman will be supported to complete a Certificate II in Community Health Research and will have access to valuable work experience for future careers in research.

Global Development Group receive two grants of $40,000 and $20,500 on behalf of their international partners: Cambodian Children’s Fund and Classroom of Hope..

cambodian children's fundCambodian Childrens Fund trains Cambodian female police officers in the Child Protection Unit.

24 female police officers will receive specialist training for interviewing child victims of serious crimes, assisting in the expedient arrest of offenders.

Each will learn how to obtain important facts and evidence from interviews, and importantly reduce the number of times children must recount crimes to local authorities.

classroom of hopeClassroom of Hope will support young women from rural Cambodia to participate in science and maths studies.

With local partner Kampuchean Action for Primary Education, this project empowers 10 young vulnerable women to undertake Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) studies in 2-year tertiary-vocational degrees.

Personal development training and career counseling will also be provided to ensure high employment rates upon graduation.

Alicia describes how 100 Women is the “first experience many members have in philanthropy”.

100 Women members take pride in being catalyst for positive change in the lives of women and girls everywhere.

For more information on each project, or to become a member, visit 100women.com.au.

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