December Member Spotlight – Suzi Komar

Suzi Komar

Member Since: 2022

Day Job: Senior Project Controller, WOOD.

Tell us a bit about yourself

I am mother of 2 boys, a loving wife, a pet owner and a very passionate and driven career
woman. My hobbies are cooking, camping, riding, exercising, entertaining and simply just
having fun. Have a dance, have a laugh and enjoy life.

Why 100 Women?

I’ve always been involved in helping others, volunteering, mentoring, training since teenage years back in 90s, however for a long time there was nothing that I involved myself in and life has just gotten too busy. This was a great opportunity to get involved and be a part of something amazing, what I believe in, to help other women in need, to have a voice and to
make a change.

Is there a grant recipient that really resonates with you?

One of my favourites charities just recently were Midland Women’s Health Care Place. I was once that woman, young, alone, hurt, nowhere to go and no one to turn to. Life can take you many directions when suffering and you simply have to rely on your own strength and the will to keep on going. An organisation like this however, is helping women going through the same turmoil’s of life, helping each other, healing each other, to listen and recover. It would have been easier. Knowing there is someone always there for you.

What does it mean to you to be a philanthropist?

For me it’s the feeling of excitement and satisfaction when helping someone in need who needs it more than you, changing their lives with a simple donation, makes my heart smile.

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