Meet a Committee Member: Kristy Rodwell

“We are investing in women and girls to achieve gender equality. Achieving gender equality means that one’s rights or opportunities do not depend on being male or female. This is not an issue for far away shores, women and girls are disadvantaged everyday here in Australia”

Meet Advisory Committee Member, Kristy Rodwell. Kristy is an inaugural Advisory Committee Member and specifically brings her understanding and experience of philanthropy and grant making. To find out more about being on the grants subcommittee with Kristy for 2015, click here.

What interested you in 100 Women? 

The opportunity to direct my personal giving in a collective manner, to make a powerful impact, something much larger than I could have achieved individually.

Why did you become in involved with 100 Women? 

It’s the power of and connection with a group of like-minded, talented and committed people working together to make our community better.

What do you want to achieve through working with 100 Women? 

100 Women is aiming to ignite women’s philanthropy and encourage women to bring their financial and intellectual capabilities to their giving.

Is there a specific cause you want to help? 

Ending violence against women. Here in Australia 1 in 3 women will experience violence in an intimate relationship. Almost 75% of female homicide victims (between 2008 and 2010) were killed by their male partner.

What do you get back from working with 100 Women? 

The opportunity to work with highly talented and inspiring like-minded women.

Tell me something about 100 Women that someone who wants to join might not know. 

100% of you $1,200 donation is made available for grant making. There are no administration costs. Administration costs are covered by generous sponsors and supporters along with the volunteer committee.

Give me three reasons that someone should join 100 Women

1. Your donation is fully tax deductible.
2. You will get a say in the decision process for awarding grants.
3. Investing in women and girls has been proven as the smart thing to do to contribute effectively to sustained economic growth and development.

Inspired? Join us, and help us double our impact!

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