Grant Recipient Update – Cana Communities WA

Cana Communities WA need your help.

Cana Communities is a leading national non-profit organisation dedicated to fostering social inclusion and providing essential support services to vulnerable individuals and families.

Here on Western Australian soil, Cana Communities WA serves a diverse group of community members, primarily consisting of women who face significant challenges such as homelessness, family and domestic violence (FDV), and previous incarceration.

In 2023, Cana Communities WA received a grant of $43,050 from 100 Women members. The purpose of the grant is to enhance the support system for disadvantaged women in the Fremantle community and surrounds by providing them with access to mental health support and fostering a sense of belonging through art classes.

Through this funding, Cana Communities WA aims to create a safe space where women can connect, share their experiences, and access crucial support services tailored to their needs.

At the helm of Cana Communities WA is Mauz Kay (pictured), who leads the team with a deep commitment to social justice and community support. With a background as a Prison Chaplain, Mauz brings a unique perspective to the organisation, having first-hand experience working with individuals in challenging circumstances. Mauz has brought a beautiful level of personal belonging to the community activities including a monthly birthday event.

“The tradition of birthday celebrations in Cana is big. For many of our community members they don’t get to celebrate birthdays – some haven’t for many years. Each month, we have between a dozen and 25 community members come along and someone does a nice speech for the person who’s birthday it is and we present them with a cupcake and a candle. It means so much to them”

Many community members are regulars at the Cana Hub, benefiting from a range of programs designed to support their unique needs. For some time, Cana Communities WA operated a transitional home in Mosman Park, providing a vital refuge for these women. However, they recently faced the challenge of being informed that they could no longer lease the property. As a result, they are currently without any transitional accommodation for the community of women they support, making their search for a new lease in the Fremantle area even more urgent.

“The transitional home had four bedrooms. Most of the time there would be two or three women in the house at any one time. One woman was there for quite a long time because she had to have an operation on her leg and needed rest and recovery. But she was still in the house when we had to move and that was a difficult time for her. She was struggling to find a place to go – and we were struggling to find somewhere for Cana to lease for her and for other women in our community that needed shelter. I looked at hundreds of houses on the internet and went to 30 or 40 home opens. People need to be willing to take on a Not For Profit and the fact that we are transitional – hasn’t fared well”

In addition to their transitional housing and community hub, Cana Communities WA runs a Community Food Truck as a small social enterprise, which operates on Wednesday evenings in partnership with the local Fremantle Street Doctor.

Importantly, Cana Communities does not receive government funding due to their policy of being driven by and for the community. This approach allows them to remain flexible and responsive to the specific needs of the women they serve, however as they are restricted with where they can access funding, the pressure to raise capital to continue servicing their community is profound.

Leasing, Volunteer Opportunities and Support

Cana Communities is still looking for a house to lease in the Fremantle region. If you know anyone that Mauz could speak with, please reach out to us.

Mauz is always looking for passionate individuals to join the Cana team as volunteers as well. If you’re over 18 and willing to complete the necessary police and working with children checks, you can make a real difference in the lives of the women they serve.

Cana Communities emphasizes the importance of community engagement, organising regular events such as a monthly gathering for their members over dinner, as well as art classes (funded by 100 Women), allowing for creative expression and connection among community members. Volunteers are needed to help cook, serve, and clean at their monthly community meetings and art workshops, creating a welcoming atmosphere for participants.

Additionally, they are seeking volunteers to start a weekly fun games session, which would provide a fantastic opportunity for community members to engage and bond. The Community Truck is also available for hire with advanced notice, providing a unique way to support the community.

Mauz also mentioned that they are in need of a new BBQ for community gatherings and would greatly appreciate any donations towards the purchase.

Cana Communities continues to play a pivotal role in the Western Australian community, and the recent support from 100 Women members underscores the importance of collaborative efforts in addressing social issues.

Under Mauz Kay’s leadership, the organisation is poised to make a significant impact on the lives of women in the region. As Cana continues to seek a new home in Fremantle, their commitment to serving their community members remains unwavering, even in the face of these challenges. Please consider volunteering with Cana Communities to help create lasting change in your community!

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