Board Updates

100 Women Board updates

The Board of 100 Women is pleased to share the appointment of Virginia Miltrup as Chair.

Virginia is the Executive Director of Customer and Business Services at the City of Vincent. In previous roles she led governance, people and strategy functions in organisations including CBH Group, government trading enterprise Synergy and global media conglomerate Thomson Reuters.

Virginia is also an experienced non-executive board director: currently Deputy Chair of disability services provider Mosaic Community Care, she previously held Chair roles at International Art Space and Emergen Inc. Virginia holds a Master of Leadership and Management, Bachelor of Commerce, and is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Commenting on her appointment, Virginia said she was very excited to join 100 Women.

“We desperately need active citizens who are empowered to create and lead positive change,” she said.

“100 Women provides us with the opportunity to do this by improving the lives of women and girls [and] in so doing we also influence changes to the cultures, systems and policies of the communities around those women, and trigger a ripple effect for positive change in the future.”

Virginia’s appointment follows the appointment of Bianca Starcevich and Tori Anderson to the Board of 100 Women in late 2019.

Bianca is the founder of Humanitas HR Solutions – a business founded from Bianca’s passion for connecting people with purpose to drive high performance. With over 20 years’ experience gained across industries as diverse as mining, banking, financial services and retail, Bianca has a strong interest in the Future of Work, building sustainable workplaces for the future and the importance of culture in creating competitive advantage.

Tori is a fundraising professional with 16 years’ experience in generating revenue and increasing support for national and international non-profit organisations. Her passion for social justice has led her around the world and seen her play an integral role in initiatives including supporting gender diversity programs in Afghanistan and developing micro-credit schemes for women in India. Tori is now the Director of Philanthropy and Enterprise at Anglicare WA.

“It’s a great pleasure to welcome Virginia, Bianca and Tori to the Board of 100 Women,” 100 Women Co-Founder Alicia Curtis said.

“We really have an exciting mix of leaders and backgrounds on the Board as we put into place the strategy and implementation needed to reach the goals we have for the organisation.

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank our outgoing Chair, Maria Saraceni, for her guiding leadership and ever-continuing support of 100 Women. Maria has helped establish a great governance foundation to build from.”

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