Barb de Corti is our Newest Ambassador

We’re extremely happy to announce that Barb de Corti is now an Ambassador for 100 Women. Find out more about Barb and why she supports 100 Women.

About Barb

I’m the founder and CEO of ENJO Australia, a direct selling company that’s devoted to educating Australian on the wealth of health benefits associated to cleaning chemical-free. ENJO Australia has allowed me to make a real difference to women’s lives through a business model that supports women to run their own ENJO business, this I would have to say is one of my greatest achievements alongside the recent launch of Santé by ENJO, a beautiful skin care range that embraces chemical-free cleansing and promotes healthy, natural skin care.

When I’m not working I like to stay fit, I love running and cycling and often integrate my love for fitness with supporting charity events.

Why Barb supports 100 Women

Not everyone can be dealt the same hand in life, however, I firmly believe that everyone should have access to good health care and education. I feel strongly that girls and women should have the tools available that can make their futures exciting and full of opportunity.

I own a business that for 23 years has allowed me to empower other women to run their own businesses, I take huge pleasure in making a difference to people’s lives.

100 women is an amazing initiative, as a single person trying to help a cause or solve a problem is overwhelming, so it’s great to know that by combining donations and knowledge, together we can make a powerful impact.

Why is Philanthropy so Important

Philanthropy is so important because it helps drive change, it’s about solving a problem as opposed to just helping in the short term. It can change an individual’s entire life and make a real difference to whole communities.

In the words of Francis Hutcheson, “philanthropy is the essential key to human happiness”, it’s something that need to be present, and I think it’s important that people reflect on the fact that whether you’re able to give money, time, your skills or advice, it’s ultimately the giving that’s the important thing. I feel fortunate to be in a position to offer time and money to and view this as a responsibility.

Views about the state of Philanthropy in Australia

I’ll have to admit I don’t keep myself educated on the state of philanthropy Australia-wide. However, I do feel that more recently philanthropist are either receiving more exposure, or are more willing to talk about their giving. I think this is a great thing, and I hope assists in encouraging others to think about causes important to them and how their own prosperity may be used to help others.


“The vision and values of 100 women, especially the drive to bring about real and significant change featured so highly as to why I aspired to become an ambassador. I would highly recommend joining the movement and becoming a member.”

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