Agents Of Change Luncheon

Can you be an Agent of Change?

Our sincere thanks to our incredible speakers from our “Agents of Change” lunch held at Kings Park on the 18th October 2023.

Our guests were fortunate to hear the inspiring personal stories of our speakers that have led them down the path of championing gender equality. Our sincere thanks also to our sponsors, members, volunteers and guests for joining us and guiding us along our journey. It was a yet another event where the room felt alive with hope and with inspiration.

Professor Cheryl Kickett-Tucker AM:

“Everybody is a change maker. Existence is resistance. We exist and we naturally resist the forces around us and that creates change. By nature – we are all change makers, we are all catalysts.

So listen, deeply listen, to the people who need you the most. For me its working with kids. We have to give over our thoughts, our power, our hearts, because we aren’t doing the right thing if we hang on to them all”.

Wilson Casado, FAIM:

“Reconnect to yourself, find out what you value. Align yourself with kindness and deviate from that which does not feel right. We shouldn’t have to fight for equity. It should just be. Stand up for everyday things that will guide us to equity.”

Ashley McGrath:

“Be informed. Be authentic. Be deliberate. Share stories, listen to stories. Take action. People need to see and feel your commitment to the cause. How can I amplify impact by inspiring others on my journey?”

It’s never too late to join us as a member. 100% of your donation goes to the grassroots initiatives that our members vote for each year – supporting and empowering women and girls most at risk. Simply click here and join!

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