ACCF Vietnam Cervical Screening Program

As part of the 2016 Grants Round, 100 Women members collectively awarded the Australian Cervical Cancer Foundation (ACCF) $29,000 to enable it to expand its successful cervical screening, research and treatment program to 26 new communities in the Hau Giang Province in the Mekong Delta region in southern Vietnam.

Cervical cancer is the second most common cause of death amongst women in Vietnam.  One of the reasons for the high incidence of this disease is the lack of regular cervical screening and access to sufficient levels of health care for many women located in remote districts.

Upon receiving 100 Women funding in February 2017, the project team embarked on a public awareness campaign to increase interest and attendance at its cervical screening clinics and cervical health checks in the province. Cervical cancer screening then began in March 2017. By the end of July, over 1,700 women had been screened with the following results: 85% were identified and treated for other gynaecological infections, 7% tested positive for precancerous lesions, and of this more than half received immediate cryotherapy treatment. This demonstrates an immediate and significant impact in the lives of the women, their families, and surrounding communities. It also lays the groundwork for reaching long term project outcomes to not just save lives but also change the stigma of why healthy women need to be screened for cervical cancer as well as other health issues.

Ms Nguyen Truc Mai, pictured here (Photo 0905) is 35 years old and has been married for 9 years. She has two daughters, ages 5 and 9, and works as a farmer. She, along with many other women, stated that their husbands were concerned that they might be wasting their time coming for screening. However, she learned from her experience at the CCF clinic that when it came to her own health, “(she) was the boss and her husband had to listen to (her).”

The 2017 grant round is in full swing with the 100 Women Grants subcommittee currently assessing the full applications. If you would like to make a positive change in the lives of women and girls then join us. For all new and renewing members that make their commitment before 31 August, you have the chance a winning one of eight mentoring session with wonderful leaders and philanthropists.

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