$96,800 awarded with Collective Giving

The 2017 100 Women Grants Gala Celebration was an inspirational night to remember!

Most excitingly 100 Women awarded grants to four local, national and international projects supporting women and families. The grants include:

Earbus Foundation of WA is awarded $30,000 towards a pilot to provide 30 female Aboriginal Health Workers with training that will develop their theoretical experience with ear health treatment and management to include more practical, clinical training. This will mean these workers can diagnose and manage ear health disease in the Aboriginal communities in which they live and reduce the problems associated with ear disease for Aboriginal children.

Youth Futures WA is awarded $27,500 for its program, The NEST, designed to help teenage mothers who are homeless or living in unsuitable conditions and are consequently at risk of losing custody of their child. The funds are to support the expansion of the Outreach Service that is a preventative strategy against homelessness that aims to stabilise the lives of the teenage mothers while developing their parenting, financial and independent living skills. An Outreach Support Worker assists clients to seek appropriate accommodation and advocates on their behalf with the Department of Child Protection, all the while supporting the young mum with their baby’s development and personal issues.

Bower Reuse and Repair Centre Cooperative is awarded $30,000 for the ‘From House to Home’ program to provide around 100 women and their children, who were victims of domestic violence, with free access to quality household goods. Once the women are ready to move on from temporary accommodation to new homes, they are in desperate need of household goods. The Bower will work with service organisations already supporting the women to allow them to visit a Bower retail outlet and shop against an agreed line of credit.

World Relief Australia in partnership with Human and Hope is awarded $9,300 towards a sewing program that aims to break the cycle of poverty for Cambodian women. Each woman will learn how to sew and advanced students can access microfinance loans to start their own sewing business. In addition to sewing skills, students receive education in small business, life skills, health, sustainable farming and domestic violence training, focusing on their rights in marriage.

Girls from Oz graces us with their courage and inspiration

During the evening we witnessed the courage and confidence of 10 young girls from Halls Creek who participated in the Girls from Oz program (one of our 2016 grant recipients) supported by the Australian Girls Choir.  I don’t think there was a dry eye in the room and certainly the standing ovation at the end of their three songs was an amazing moment for us as an audience and the girls themselves.

Next Year – Big Plans for 100 Women

On the night, we had 22 women and men join 100 Women, which is a testament to what people see that 100 Women offers – the power of the collective!  What can be achieved when we stand together and stand up for the change we want to see in the world.

Next year, our fifth year we hope to hit $500,000 in total fundraising. This means we will have to raise the highest amount we have ever raised in a year – approximately $120,000! Can we do it? Only with your support, please consider joining now – did you know there are three impact levels that can be paid both monthly or annually?

Thank you to the team

Our 100 Women family is made up of so many wonderful individuals! We had the ever delightful Ezereve perform during the night – a dedicated 100 Women member since the start. We had two of our Ambassadors Rabia Siddique and Fadzi Whande in the room too. Rabia gave the Ambassador Address where she inspired us to consider the ripples of change we can create together.  Grace Mugabe, our 100 Women Treasurer was the perfect MC during the evening. Thank you to so many businesses that supported the evening including Creme de la Creme and the many who offered raffle and auction items too. To our dedicated members – you make this happen, thank you for your leadership and support.

Thank you to our amazing events coordinator (and board member), Melissa Beamish and the whole 100 Women board for their leadership and action and the Grants Sub Committee who worked so diligently throughout the year to allow us to award so many amazing projects.

Alicia Curtis

100 Women Co-Founder and Chair

Photo Credits: Rebecca Mercia Photography (thank you so much!)

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