100 Women Year in Review

Our fourth year in operation was definitely an exciting one!

I have to thank the Advisory Board including Kristy Rodwell, Grace Mugabe, Megan Del Borrello, Vanessa Haberland, Carol Yiannopoulos, Melissa Beamish, Michelle Emmett, Annette Perrin, Vivienne Powe and previous Board members, Shireen DuPreez.

We are all volunteers and we put many, many hours into leading and supporting this organisation.   There are many more volunteers behind the scenes too such as the Grants Subcommittee and those who lend a hand at events and with membership – your efforts are greatly appreciated.

2017 was a brilliant year.

Here’s a quick look at what was achieved.

  • We started the year by giving away the 2016 funding to three grants including Girls from Oz, Australian Cervical Cancer Foundation and Ausum Initiatives.
  • Cambodian Children’s Fund CPU Specialist Child Interviewers course ran with 22 Cambodian police women.
  • We started a Members-Only Facebook group.
  • Inaugural Grant recipient, Restore Rose formally completed their project.
  • We implemented a new membership structure – adding three impact level donations at $300, $600 and $1200 which means we said goodbye to the mini-circles too.
  • We met at Telethon Kids Institute with the women from Fitzroy Crossing who were attending the Community Researcher training.
  • We welcomed new members and a brand new Ambassador, Fadzi Whande.
  • We hosted exceptional events with speakers such as Christina Matthews, CEO, WACA, Professor Dawn Freshwater, Vice Chancellor of UWA, Donna Faragher, MLC and Robin McClellan.
  • 100 Women members shared their stories about why they are involved including Helen Axton, Sharon Gittings and Katrina Giura.
  • 100 Women received 66 Expressions of Interest for our grants and the 2017 Grants Subcommittee which comprises of 10 members met diligently throughout the year to manage the grants process.
  • We shared a Shining the Spotlight on Women in Leadership and profiled our members, Jacqui Alder, Pip Brennan and Tammy Tansley.
  • We ended the year we our best Gala yet, featuring 10 girls from Halls Creek from Girls from Oz singing with the Australian Girls Choir, it was a moment we will never forget!
  • The 2017 grant recipients were announced and members couldn’t be happier – giving away $96,800.   We are so excited to follow Earbus Foundation of WA, Youth Futures WA, Bower Reuse and Repair Centre Cooperatives and Human and Hope.
  • We welcome 22 new members who joined on the night of the Gala and we look forward to collectively making a difference!
  • At the close of 2017, we’ve raised close to $400,000 in the last four years.

It will be an exciting year in 2018 with us hopefully reaching (and exceeding!!) $500,000 raised in total by 100 Women in the last five years. If you would like to be part of this, then get your membership donation into us.


Alicia Curtis

Chair, 100 Women

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