100 Women enters into new National Brand Partnership


100 Women are delighted to announce a national brand partnership with Ostelin, Australia’s leading bone health brand. Formed in June 2022, the collaboration is designed to empower Australian women to feel a stronger sense of self.

Ostelin will match 100 Women member donations to the value of $90,000 AUD, forming a partnership with our members to offer more grants in 2022. Ostelin is also contributing a $10,000 AUD donation to support 100 Women grow our organisational capacity and will further support 100 Women to build our brand awareness as we feature in their national Project Strong Campaign. Our partnership demonstrates the power and impact that can be created when purpose driven organisations collaborate with community organisations like 100 Women.

100 Women charity Co-Founder, Alicia Curtis, said: “We’ve had an ambitious goal to balance the playing field so every woman and girl has access to health, education, employment and safety. Together, with the support of Ostelin, we’ll be able to transform more lives than we ever have. We’re incredibly proud to be working with Ostelin to demonstrate the power of the collective and show what we can achieve when we all come together for a common cause.”

Gladys Peters, General Manager, Sanofi Consumer Healthcare Australia & New Zealand (Ostelin parent company), said: “Ostelin and 100 Women are closely aligned in our shared desire to help empower women and girls to feel stronger in the areas of health, education, safety and economic freedom. Project Strong signifies a long-term commitment from Ostelin to support strong women in our community. It is critical that we all work together to help remove the barriers that are holding women back and celebrate women’s strength in all its forms.”

The Project Strong Campaign Research and Key Drivers

If you ask a person what it means to be strong, what would you expect the answer to be? ‘Strength’ as we know it is most commonly associated with physical capability. However, it goes so much deeper than what we can see.

Be it mental, emotional or parental, strength comes in all shapes and sizes. Australian women, it seems doubt the personal strength that exists in many areas of their lives. In fact, a proportion (almost one quarter) of Australian females don’t view themselves as strong at all1.

The source of this self-disbelief is complex. Reasons cited in a recent survey conducted by Ostelin include feeling anxious or stressed, lacking self-confidence and an inability to stick to a diet or exercise regime*.

This is in direct conflict with public opinion. More than 8 in 10 of the general Australian population consider women to be strong across a range of areas spanning finance, domestic roles and the workplace*. So, we need to ask the question: are women harder on themselves than they need to be?

That’s why Ostelin have teamed up with 100 Women to support our passion of empowering women and girls globally, in the areas of health, education, safety and economic opportunity.

You can find out more about Ostelin and the Project Strong campaign here and view the TV campaign below. You can play a part in this positive change by joining 100 Women as a member here.

*Ostelin Strength Gap Research – Research conducted among 1500 Australian adults by YouGov in April 2022, commissioned by Ostelin. Research available upon request from Ostelin.

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