One Girl Australia

One Girl Australia

Grant Year: 
Geographic Area(s): 


One Girl Australia in partnership with Restless Development was granted $30,000 to support the operations of Girls Clubs in ten communities in Freetown and regional locations across northern Sierra Leone. Girls Clubs provide business management, health and life skills training to extremely vulnerable girls who are not in school or are at risk of dropping out of school. 

In Sierra Leone, only 40% of eligible girls are enrolled in secondary school and of this number, only 16% go on to complete high school. The low participation rate is the result of social, cultural and economic factors that combine to create overwhelming barriers for girls to attend and complete school. 

This in turn affects a girl’s chances of becoming an empowered woman, capable of making and fulfilling independent choices about her and her family’s health, education and well-being, creating a cyclical issue that repeats itself from generation to generation.

View their website here.

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