International Women’s Day

Celebrating International Women’s Day 2024

On the 8th March 2024, the world turns its attention to celebrate the achievements of women. Here in Australia, this day has been an important day for our culture for almost 100 years. However, the United Nations continue to promote gender equity as a primary sustainability goal, acknowledging that we have a long way to go in seeing a world where women have ongoing equal human rights and opportunities. In fact, at this current rate, it will take another 286 years to close the global gender gap.

100 Women as a charity, focus every day on the health, education, safety and empowerment of women and girls around the world. Our vision is to bring together a group of like minded individuals that share this goal of gender equality for generations to come who are passionate about facilitating real change.

Our members are the leaders, the change makers, the teachers and the visionaries, that are making their voice and their choice count for gender equity. Our members are also everyday people – just like you.

This is the power of collective giving. So why not choose this International Women’s Day to join our community, and make a real difference to the lives of women and girls that need it most?

How can you help 100 Women this IWD?

  • Become a 100W Member
  • Donate to our grants fund
  • Invite us to speak at your event
  • Refer a friend to us
  • Host a fundraising event at your work
  • Read about our grant recipients and share the work they do
  • Share our social media posts

For more information on how you can support us in 2024, contact our helpful team here. Thank you in advance for your support.

2024 Theme: Count Her in. Invest in Women. Accelerating Progress

Forever Projects – 2022 Grant Recipients – Tanzania

This year’s theme is around investing in women.

Tying into this theme, we are delighted to share with you that on International Women’s Day, we will be launching our exclusive 10 Year Impact Report. This report will showcase the culmination of more than a decade’s work as a philanthropic giving circle with a gendered lens. So many of you helped us reach this milestone! In fact, more than 500 everyday philanthropists and 100 volunteers have played an important part in the support and empowerment of 37,000 women and girls worldwide. We look forward to sharing this with you! 

Want to see how 100 Women have progressed economic opportunity to girls and women through our grants program? Read about them here.

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