We welcome anyone who supports the vision of 100 Women and have a diverse network of philanthropists in our community. We are gender-wise with our funding – not our membership.

We will welcome initial Expressions of Interest (EOI) from eligible organisations early in the year. A grants subcommittee that is made up of our members and long standing volunteers with grants/philanthropy/foreign aid background will review and evaluate these EOIs. A select number of organisations will then be invited to submit full grant applications. These are then assessed by researching and evaluating applicants in order to arrive at the finalists. We will deliver information on these finalists to each 100 Women member for review and voting. The results of the voting, are then announced at our annual Gala Dinner Celebration and the successful grant recipients will be presented with their grants and have an opportunity to speak with our members.

Yes we do! However the project must be funded by an Australian registered charity with Item 1 Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status. This is mandatory and overseas registered charities do not meet this requirement. We also do not support organisations through auspicing arrangements.

However, 100 Women can support Australian based organisations who have a formal relationship with an international in-country implementing partner, as evidenced by an MoU.

Grant applicants must also be:

  • Charitable organisations within the meaning of the Charities Act 2013; and
  • Have Item 1 DGR (Deductible Gift Recipient) status (in section 30-15 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997).
  • Operating for at least 36 months.

100 Women awards grants to organisations that advance the safety, health, education and economic freedom of women and girls.

100 Women awards grants to organisations that advance the safety, health, education and economic freedom of women and girls.

Organisations must be a fund, authority or institution:

  • which is Charitable (or would be a charity within the meaning of the Australian Charities Act 2013 (Cth) if it were not a ‘government entity’, as defined in the Act);
  • Classified with Item 1 Deductible Gift Recipient Status (DGR);
  • has been operating for at least 36 months; and
  • has a total annual revenue (as last reported to the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission) of less than $10 million.
If your organisation does not meet all of the above criteria, then it is unable to apply. These are mandatory requirements.
Overseas registered charities are not eligible. We do not support auspicing* where grant funds flow through an Item 1 DGR organisation to another entity.  Grants may also be made to exempt organisations that would be charitable but for their connection with government and which are Item 1 DGRs.

You can check whether your organisation is a Deductible Gift Recipient (Item 1) and a charity by looking it up on the Australian Business Register. Note, overseas registered charities do not meet this requirement.

What is Auspicing?
‘Auspice’ means to provide support, sponsorship or guidance. From this word we get the words ‘auspicee’ being the group or person that needs support and ‘auspicor’. Auspicor is the entity that provides the support to the auspicee.
This arrangement is commonly used in the not for profit sector to help community organisations access funding when they do not satisfy requirements of grant funding. A very typical situation is where a not-for-profit organisation does not have deductible gift recipient (DGR) status and will work with an auspicor who has DGR status to apply for certain funding. The auspicor will apply for the grant and receive the funds into their account. They will have responsibility for managing the funds and acquitting the grant however the auspicee will most likely lead on the implementation of the project/activities.

100 Women does not support auspice arrangements in our grant round. The applicant organisation must have DGR status Item 1 and be carrying out the project/activities themselves. If you are an Australian organisation conducting overseas aid development projects under the OAGDS please contact us to confirm your details.

One of the most important benefits of being a 100 Women Member is the ability to vote for the grant recipient projects that you love.

How does this happen? Every year once the grant finalists are announced (generally around August/September) our members are provided detailed information on our website about the projects that have reached the final grant stage. These projects will be from a range of locations (local, national and international) and a range of focus areas (safety, education, health and financial or economic freedom).

Members are then sent an email advising of the opening of the grant voting which will take place for two weeks. The member will be able to view the various projects online and make a preferential vote based on the projects they would most like to see funded, through to the project they would least like to see funded. All projects have been through two rigorous grant round workshops and reference checks by our experienced grants committee. Our grants committee believe that any and all of the projects presented to our membership community are worthy of funding, therefore the decision lies with the members.

At the time of voting, 100 Women check the bank account of our grants fund and the Board will make a decision based on how many grants can be given out that year. The more members, the more funding for our grants! Not all grants will be asking for the maximum grant amount which means until grant voting closes, we do not know how many grants we will be able to fund.

Once the voting round closes, the grants committee will present a final report based on the aggregated scores of our members and the Board will approve the decision. 100 Women then announce the grant recipients at the annual Gala Dinner celebration usually in October and the grant recipients will receive the funding within two weeks of the announcement.

Whether you are a member with 100 Women or not, we would love to welcome you into our growing community of everyday philanthropists. Here, anybody is welcome, our members are gender inclusive and come from all ages, backgrounds, cultures and religions. We hold regular events where there is great opportunities to meet other like-minded people and we are always happy to facilitate connections if you come to an event alone.

In addition to regular events, we hold several webinars a year that are free for members to ensure our members based around Australia and around the world can meet other members.

Finally, we encourage members to join our Facebook Members Group to learn about other events and opportunities within our community. Got questions? email us at [email protected]

Yes. The total amount you donate is tax-deductible. Your taxable income is reduced by the amount you donate to 100 Women and other charities. You will be emailed a receipt automatically when you donate as an annual member or as a straight donation.

For subscribers (monthly payments) you can access your tax statement and monthly receipts via our member portal here

You will need to register for the portal using your membership email first.


What is Auspicing?

‘Auspice’ means to provide support, sponsorship or guidance. From this word we get the words ‘auspicee’ being the group or person that needs support and ‘auspicor’. Auspicor is the entity that provides the support to the auspicee.
This arrangement is commonly used in the not for profit sector to help community organisations access funding when they do not satisfy requirements of grant funding. A very typical situation is where a not-for-profit organisation does not have deductible gift recipient (DGR) status and will work with an auspicor who has DGR status to apply for certain funding. The auspicor will apply for the grant and receive the funds into their account. They will have responsibility for managing the funds and acquitting the grant however the auspicee will most likely lead on the implementation of the project/activities.
100 Women does not support auspice arrangements in our grant round. The applicant organisation must have DGR status Item 1 and be carrying out the project/activities themselves. If you are an Australian organisation conducting overseas aid development projects under the OAGDS please contact us to confirm your details.

Your donation will be pooled with that of the other members and used to make high-impact grants. Since 2023 we have raised $1.25 million. Grant recipients are collectively chosen by members and every member who has paid their donation (minimum $300 per year) will have a vote in the selection process as well as receiving other member benefits. Through 100 Women you can make a meaningful difference through collective giving.

100 Women has been inspired by the book, Half the Sky. Atrocities against women and girls are still occurring every day – domestic violence, forced prostitution, death in child birth and denial of education.

100 Women will enable everyday people to be involved in creating a world where all women and girls can live safely with access to health, education and economic freedom. Investment in women and girls is backed by sound evidence. Just some outcomes include:

  • An extra year of primary school boosts girls’ productivity and eventual wages by 10 to 20%(1).
  • Women, the main caretakers of their children, tend to reinvest on average 90% of what they earn into their families compared to a 30-40% reinvestment rate for men (2).
  • Over the past four decades, the global increase in women’s education has prevented more than four million child deaths (3).
  • With seven years of education, a girl marries on average four years later and has 2.2 fewer children(4).
  • Educated women experience less violence, and educated girls are less likely to undergo female genital mutilation – or subject their daughters to it (5).

Any straight donations and annual memberships should receive their tax receipt when the donation is made.

For subscription members and annual members – you can access your monthly receipts as well as an annual statement via the membership portal on the homepage. You will need to first register for the portal using your same email address that is tied to your membership.

We have created special “Proud Supporter” and and “Proud Member” of 100 Women that you can add to your website or your socials. Please email [email protected] for the logo png (we also have the logos in white).


Ideally members are able to donate $1,200 per year which keeps the cost of raising money for our grants low. However we recognise that people have different financial contexts and that these can change over time. Thus we provide a range of options so that members can choose their level of impact each year. To be a member, the minimum amount is $300. Small one off donations are welcome at any time which will be allocated to our grant funding.

100 Women uses our website, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and our regular e-newsletters and personal emails to stay in touch with our members. We hold educational and networking events for members as well as promote other events that we think will be of interest to our members.

If you would like to upgrade or downgrade your membership you can do so via the membership portal. It’s a very simple process! We also offer members the opportunity to pause their membership for up to three months.

No. Members from across Australia and around the world are welcome.

100 Women believe that anyone can be a philanthropist. That’s why we don’t differentiate member benefits based on amount donated.

There are three Membership levels:
$25 per month/$300 a year
$50 per month/$600 a year
$100 per month/$1200 a year or you can pay more if you wish.

Our major member benefit is having the opportunity to vote on which projects you would like to receive funding. ‘One member, one vote’ applies to all membership levels when choosing who will receive the grants. More member benefits are listed on our membership page.

Would you like to commit to your 100 Women membership for 2 years? Then please contact us via email.

Yes, you can choose to make monthly payments  or annual payments when you sign up.

Please find the T&Cs for membership here.

We currently have more than 250 members! We encourage more members as the grant funding amount will be larger or additional grants can be awarded out.

The majority of our operating expenses, including events, IT support, insurance and promotion materials are provided through the generosity of our sponsors, supporters and some of our members. All of this income sits in a separate dedicated bank account for administration and operations expenses. Our member donations and general donations via our website go to a different bank account which is only accessed when dispersing the annual grant round funding.

We rely on the generous time and effort of volunteers and utilise gifts, sponsorships, event income, raffle income and in-kind donations from individuals and local businesses.

Click here for a list of sponsors and supporters.

The 100 Women Trustee Board are volunteers and none of them receive any payments or material benefits of any kind from their participation. They are all also members themselves. Our part time Executive Officer is in a contract role which is paid through donations to our operations fund.


No. We strongly recommend that grant applicants not solicit endorsements from 100 Women members.

The only requirement to become a member is a minimum donation of $300. Of course, we hope you will make your donation in line with your capacity and that you will take the time to make an informed decision when you join us in choosing grant recipients. In addition, you have the option to get involved more deeply by attending our events or by joining a subcommittee as a volunteer which is a very rewarding process. However, it is not a requirement – we are just happy to have you in our community!

We are committed to acting with integrity in all of our relationships and in selecting grant recipients through an honest, transparent and fair process. In support of this commitment, our conflict of interest policy requires disclosure of relationships between our Advisory Board and those members serving on a subcommittee and any grant applicant or potential grant applicant. We also require Advisory Board and subcommittee members to excuse themselves from the discussion on any topic where a conflict arises.

100 Women expects all members to act in an objective and fair manner and to refrain from any attempt to gain an unfair advantage for a particular grant applicant by, among other things, disclosing confidential information and/or attempting to influence the vote of another 100 Women member.

100 Women has been established as a public ancillary fund. Public ancillary funds are a common structure for community and fundraising foundations. A public ancillary fund must establish a public fund and invite the public to contribute to the fund.

A public ancillary fund operates under an instrument of trust solely for the purpose of providing money, property or benefits to deductible gift recipients (DGRs).

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